Relief Rehab
by Anjali Smith
Community Development Specialist Steve Corbett effectively describes the differences between relief, rehabilitation, and development in reaching those in economic need. Watch his two minute explanation below!
Corbett describes relief as a response to crisis - something “primarily beyond their control”, including medical needs, abuse, or natural disasters. Relief follows a provider-receiver model and is quick and short-lived to help prevent the individuals from spiraling into long-term need. It is based on the dynamic of one individual with need and someone else with resources.. However, Corbett warns, relief must be temporary. When this dynamic is prolonged, it signifies a deeper issue which needs to be addressed through rehabilitation.
Corbett identifies rehabilitation as helping an individual move on, getting them back on their feet, but when a person is “a key factor in the causality of a problem”, development is needed.
Development involves coming alongside these individuals to empower them through change. Corbett emphasizes the crucial role that the person’s willingness and receptivity play in bringing about true change.
At Shasta Thrive, we understand the need for each person’s ongoing development. We seek to address the deeper, spiritual, relational, and life-skill needs which facilitate transformation. This is how we can best help the homeless exit the cycles of poverty and brokenness which they have experienced.
We are always looking for people in our community with a heart to walk alongside the hurting and at-risk and equip them with the skills and tools to walk in the life they hope for. If you would like to get involved in Shasta Thrive, please let us know! We would love to have you join our team. We have volunteer needs in a variety of capacities.
Future Story Facilitators
Mentors for the homeless
Mentors for those coming out of rehab and in transitional housing
Event and Administrative Volunteers
Not quite sure where you fit? If you have a heart to get involved, we would love to connect with you! We believe every person has unique skills and giftings necessary for the transformation of a community.